// Sketc: basicSerialWithNL_001 // // Uses hardware serial to talk to the host computer and software serial // for communication with the Bluetooth module // Intended for Bluetooth devices that require line end characters "\r\n" // // Pins // Arduino 5V out TO BT VCC // Arduino GND to BT GND // Arduino D9 to BT RX through a voltage divider // Arduino D8 BT TX (no need voltage divider) // // When a command is entered in the serial monitor on the computer // the Arduino will relay it to the bluetooth module and display the result. // #include SoftwareSerial BTserial(8, 9); // RX | TX const long baudRate = 38400; char c=' '; boolean NL = true; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Sketch: "); Serial.println(__FILE__); Serial.print("Uploaded: "); Serial.println(__DATE__); Serial.println(" "); BTserial.begin(baudRate); Serial.print("BTserial started at "); Serial.println(baudRate); Serial.println(" "); } void loop() { // Read from the Bluetooth module and send to the Arduino Serial Monitor if (BTserial.available()) { c = BTserial.read(); Serial.write(c); } // Read from the Serial Monitor and send to the Bluetooth module if (Serial.available()) { c = Serial.read(); BTserial.write(c); // Echo the user input to the main window. The ">" character indicates the user entered text. if (NL) { Serial.print(">"); NL = false; } Serial.write(c); if (c==10) { NL = true; } } }